Machine Collaboration
A collaborative piece that utilizes AI technology to create a series of digital collages. The project focuses on analyzing the traditional gender roles put into place in the old south. It explores themes of domesticity, femininity, and tradition.

Written Statement
My concept for Project 3 was to create a series of digital collages that comment on gender roles in the old south. I created a storyline that takes the viewer through the relationship between a husband and wife, and more specifically, the wife’s personal experiences and treatment within this relationship. The characters represent a stereotypical married couple that is contained by traditional gender roles in the south. The piece uses undertones of feminism to create a narrative that is meant to be both a commentary and response to the fact that some of these stereotypes and experiences are still prevalent today. I used Adobe Firefly to generate my desired images for my collages. I then used Adobe Photoshop to piece together my chosen elements. In addition to these, I also used ChatGpt to research traditional southern gender roles. At first, I was unsure if I wanted to create a project with such a heavy topic. However, I received feedback from my peers telling me that I should continue with my idea and see what I can come up with. I also was told that if I incorporated or used text in some way, that it may help guide my audience in the intended direction of thought when viewing my collages.
If I could redo this project, I would explore the storyline I wanted to create further to take the viewer through a direct timeline. I feel that when my classmates view my project that they may be confused as to why I chose this topic, and I believe that if my collages had a clearer meaning, the confusion would clear up. I honestly enjoyed using machine learning throughout this project. I was amazed by the images that were being generated and how the machine responds to different prompts fed into it. I was surprised when the machine began generating images of mostly caucasian women when I typed in prompts such as, “beautiful woman” or how the keyword “southern” would make the machine generate photos of African American women. I believe the technology can be useful for generating images that are hyper-specific, such as those chosen for my collages. I also think that AI can be a useful tool to generate images for sketch ideas for the beginning steps of a project. I believe that as long as the machine isn’t doing all of the work for you, then it can be used to create some compelling art.